Stepping Onto My Path
I wanted my first post to be a brief back story of how my journey coming to know Jesus began. I did not grow up in a family that ever went to church or really talked about anything religious. What I did know as a child is that when people die they go to Heaven and that there is this place called Hell that you did not want to go to. I did have various friends and some outside family that would invite me to church with them and I was always allowed to go. I found it boring at the time and very monotonous, so needless to say I had no excitement about church, God or anything to do with it really.
As a teen I did begin to sort of look at religion as a whole and question myself as to what I believed in and didn't believe in. I asked my parents why we never went to a church. My moms answer was simple, "I don't want to push any beliefs onto you, decide for yourself what you believe." This led me to ask my grandmother. She at least gave me some more advice, she talked about her belief in God and Jesus, she talked about how my mom and her family always went to church on Sundays. She said though as the kids grew and her husband passed away she just did not feel connected to going to the actual building anymore. The ocean became her place where she talked with God and prayed for her family.
I actually ended up attending a Christian school for college, despite still not believing in much of anything, but it was a small college and it was in the south, so it fit what I wanted. I started to meet a lot of great, kind and caring people. I went to several gatherings with my roommate and she soon received Jesus as Lord and Savior. I kept watching what was happening, asking questions and listening. By October of 1994 I also accepted Jesus and while I thought my path was set from that point my journey was far from over. I had a great support system and church that I went to while I was in college. It all changed when my grandmother passed away suddenly a week after I graduated. I left my life down south and that is when the real journey began.
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