Forgiveness, Honesty and Integrity

Some big events took place this week for myself and my family. First, because I have recommitted to God I had to tell me husband and children for the first time in 18 years what I believed in and where I stand. I had to talk to them about my past and apologize for not doing what God commands of me as a Christian for so long.  It seems like this would be simple, but it was very difficult for me to do simply because I did not know what their response would be. I did not know if this was going to destroy my family as I have known it, but it had to be done even if I lost it all.  As I read this week about forgiveness, honesty and integrity, I was being strongly conflicted that as much as I value those words I was not embodying them by remaining silent about my faith in God. 

The conversations went well and I know that was God. I now feel the freedom to offer to pray with my teenagers and to talk to them about God, there is no hiding in fear any longer. I new I had to truly accept that I was forgiven of my sins and that it was now time to walk in honesty and integrity. God hates liars and challenges us to always live and speak with honor. Integrity is also very important in all aspects of life even when it is not the "popular" opinion. In my heart I knew that I could not know these truths from His word and not do something about that within my own household.

I also learned this week that forgiveness is not just about us being forgiven, but is also about truly forgiving those who have "wronged" us in some way. God's word commands that we do this. I have to say that it is especially difficult when you hold onto the pain and hatred that comes along with what someone has done to you or those that you love. God wants us to forgive so we will show mercy and grace to others and let go of that bitterness inside. He wants us to pray for our "enemies" and as forgiven people should also be forgiving. We also must keep in mind that no matter how badly we think we have been hurt we should continually forgive because we have been forgiven much by God. A good reminder is before you pray, search your heart and forgive those you hold a grudge against, in this way God will forgive your sins as well. Be strong in the Lord in all things.

Verses on Forgiveness:                                           Verses on Honesty & Integrity:

Genesis 45:1-15                                                         Proverbs 12:22
Isaiah 1:7-18                                                              Daniel 6:3-4
Hosea 6:1-3                                                                Titus 2:6-8
Obadiah 1:12-14                                                         1 Peter 2:9-12
Matthew 5:43-48
Matthew 18:21-35
Mark 11:25
Philemon 1:15-16

My prayer for you is that you know the Lord as your Savior and that you take to heart what it means biblically to forgive, be honest and to have integrity.


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