
Showing posts from May, 2020

Joy and Love

Photo by Nat Arnett "You love him even though you have never seen him. Though you do not see him now, you trust him; and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy." 1 Peter 1:8 When learning God's word we should feel joyful! Making studying, learning and sharing the word as a priority. It should never feel like a burden or dull to study scripture, because knowing God's love for us is amazing! As I have shared before when I told my family about my love and belief in God it brought me to tears both times. I was overcome with emotion, especially when I told my 14 year old, she hugged me and said she loved me. Which of course made me cry more, but it was a joyous loved filled cry and hug. Love among myself and my children believe it or not is nothing compared to the love that God has for us. We are commanded in scripture to love God and to love each other, it is one of the most important commandments. So how do we show our love for God? We show it by longing for pers...

Forgiveness, Honesty and Integrity

Some big events took place this week for myself and my family. First, because I have recommitted to God I had to tell me husband and children for the first time in 18 years what I believed in and where I stand. I had to talk to them about my past and apologize for not doing what God commands of me as a Christian for so long.  It seems like this would be simple, but it was very difficult for me to do simply because I did not know what their response would be. I did not know if this was going to destroy my family as I have known it, but it had to be done even if I lost it all.  As I read this week about forgiveness, honesty and integrity, I was being strongly conflicted that as much as I value those words I was not embodying them by remaining silent about my faith in God.  The conversations went well and I know that was God. I now feel the freedom to offer to pray with my teenagers and to talk to them about God, there is no hiding in fear any longer. I new I had to truly ac...


Today's versus were : Exodus 18:13-16 Deuteronomy 18:20-22 Matthew 13:24-30 Acts 17:11 1 Timothy 4:1-2 Jude 1:8-11 The focus of these were on  discernment  which has always been so important for me to really have a deep understanding of. Some thoughts that jumped out right away to me are to scrutinize all teachings against the word of God, beware of false teachings/teachers/prophets. A good working knowledge of Gods word will build up discernment against those things. "Judging" from the stance of Gods word is what we should be doing. "Condemning", saying who goes to hell, is not our place, that is for God to decide. Four questions to discern false teachings/prophets: 1. Does it recognize Jesus as the Son of God and only way to salvation? 2. Does the teaching agree with scripture? 3. If miracles are involved, do they bring glory to  God? 4. Is the teaching generally rejected by the world? "If something is popular it doesn't make it right. It's actual...


Today's versus were : Jeremiah 31?30 Luke 12:47-48 Luke 19:11-26 1 Corinthians 10-15 The focus of these were on  accountability  and wow did it have an impact on my thoughts. Some things that stuck out is that we all die from our sins and we are responsible for our own actions. Now obviously as believers we know that they can be forgiven, but we should always take care not to sin. Luke 12:47-48 really struck me: here are my thoughts at the time of reading    "Oh boy, I have NOT done this well at all. I do however feel I was never prepared to carry anything out. I did/do not fully understand the word of God or what my "calling" is to be sure I honor, serve and spread His word." The passage for 1 Corinthians is about building your foundation on God and His word. It talks about taking your gifts and abilities God has given you and to use them for His glory. This is a place I feel stuck in, I am not certain what my "gifts" are, I continue to try and work t...

So Excited

My new bible is arriving today! I decided that since I have walked away from the Lord for so long that I needed to buy a New Believers Bible (NLT version). It has additional explanations and a reading plan which I think I missed out on so many years ago. Does anyone else have this Bible? if so, what are your thoughts on it?